Our garments are products of hard work and creativity, and it is always with great anticipation and excitement that we are sending them out into the world.
We wish them to be worn over and over again for several seasons and on various occasions. Wear them to parties, on dates, for family dinners or when you need a confidence boost for an important meeting.
After use, the garments might need to be washed - In that case, here is a little tip for you 😊
Check if your garments have any stains. If not, it may not be necessary to wash them. Instead, simply hanging them outside to air may be sufficient. Fresh air usually removes odors and extends the garments life when you avoid washing them. On the other hand, washing the clothes will wear on the textile fibers and thereby reduce the quality. However, if your clothes are stained or smell very bad, they may need a wash.
We have made a guide for several textile fibers that helps you to protect your garments as much as possible when doing laundry.
Click on the fiber categories above to learn more, check our general care tips, or visit our symbols guide and get to know the laundry symbols you might find in your clothes' care labels.